Voiced Thoughts

…whilst travelling along life’s road.

Archive for November 2007

ineffective Christianity

with 4 comments

I’ve been quiet over recent months here even though many things have been on my mind. From exhausting and exciting weekends with a bunch of young people, to enjoying long meals and sharing dear memories with old university friends. From growing closer to those people I’m close to, to a good friend dying from cancer. The last few months have indeed been filled with many experiences and thoughts and feelings and questions, none of which have been voiced here.

But something annoyed me last week, and I want it to annoy others.

A Christian man is wanting to prosecute the producer of “Jerry Springer – The Opera” and sue BBC Director General Mark Thompson because the musical contains images that “vilify God and the Bible”. [BBC]

“What good can come from following this through?” I ask. “Well, Mark, a bad tasting show will not be shown on the BBC again,” replies someone else.

Big freakin’ deal!

God doesn’t need us to defend Him, or to keep the entire world from saying bad things about Him. That will happen whether or not “Jerry Springer – The Opera” is shown or not. There are much more pressing matters to attend to than some procrastinating court case. Like feeding the hungry, satisfying the thirsty, housing the homeless, healing the sick and freeing the persecuted. So-called “Christianity” in the UK is so damn safe and politically correct, it makes me wonder if passages like Matthew 25 [BIBLE GATEWAY] are in many people’s bible; it’s ineffective and crowd-pleasing and easy.

If “Jerry Springer – The Opera” comes on TV, just press the OFF button and get back to doing what Jesus (our Master, right?) commanded us to do!

Written by Mark

November 26, 2007 at 12:31 am